Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Loka Samastha Sukhino BhavanthuSarve Santhu Niramayah...Ayurveda is the traditional healing system of India, and a part of cultural inheritance. Ayurveda is considered as 'upaveda' of Atharva Veda.
Ayurveda means, it discuss Ayu ie. Life in its every aspects. It is not merely a science which deals with diseases and tratments or with a few combinations of them. Generally Ayurveda is known as a Science of life. But it is a way of life and a guide to human being for a comfortable social life as well.

According to Ayurveda health is considered as Physical, Mental and Spiritual Well Being. It advises Swastha Vritha supllemented by Sadvritha (Code of Conduct) which instruct discipline of senses and mind and regulations of moral and social life. It intends happiness and good for Individuals and Humanity as such. It advises daily regimen and seasonal regimen to be healthy all the time. Importance is given for food habits, excercises etc.
But unfortunately these basic principles are not being highlighted today, and only the commercial aspects are exploited. It is high time, the scholars come forward to propagate the essence of this great system.
The basic principle of Ayurveda is Tridhosa theory based on Panchabhutha theory.

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